
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

ABP-Presentations 2014

Upcoming presentations about the Amur Bird Project in 2014 - you are invited to join!

06.03.2014 Zoo Dresden/Germany, 18:00 (WH)

24.03.2014 Zoologisches Institut Universität Greifswald/Germany, 19:00 (PF)

05.04.2014 Tagung des Vereins Sächsischer Ornithologen e.V., Geithain/Germany, 21:00 (WH)

22.04.2014 Oberseminar AG Tierökologie, Universität Potsdam/Germany, 15:15 (WH)

28.05.2014 Rotary Club Potsdam/Germany, 12:30 (WH)

10.06.2014 Naturkundemuseum Leipzig/Germany, 18:00 (WH)

18.-24.08.2014 International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo/Japan (WH)

24.10.2014 Botanischer Garten Chemnitz/Germany, 19:00 (US, WH)

(PF = Pia Fetting, WH = Wieland Heim, US = Ulrich Schuster)

There is many stuff to tell about the last field season...