watching birds with the participants of our Bird Ecology Summer School © Julia Schröder |
What a week! Even if its still mid-August, we already trapped the seasons 1000th bird. Migration at its best, and almost no rain or wind throughout the week! Perfect conditions also for our Bird Ecology Summer School. On Tuesday, 21 children between 8 and 15 years from different parts of the Amur region came to us in the Park. During five days they learned about bird ecology, migration, identification and nature conservation. All of them were highly motivated, and so they came usually already before breakfast to the ringing station, to see what is new. It was great to work with them. Big thanks to the Park´s interim director Svetlana Yakovenko for the organisation, the Russian teachers Natalia Andreeva, Tatiana Evgenina and Natalia Alexandrovna and all the helpers which made all this possible. Special thanks to Juliana Nefjodowa, who was busy in translating to Russian, English and German all day long. On the last morning the summer school ended with a birdrace, when the children had to identify as much bird species as possible within one hour around Muraviovka Park´s headquarter. Together with one us the three teams recognized 39 species - a good sign, that the participants learned a lot about the threatened diversity in the Amur region. For most of them this week was also the first contact with foreigners, and so we had the feeling that these days contributed also to intercutural understanding and tolerance. If we will find financial support, we will organize such a summer school again next year.
group pic with our 1000th bird - a spectacular Baillon´s Crake © Wieland Heim |
the face-to-face contact with the birds in our ringing station was most impressing for the children © Julia Schröder |
drawing bird pictures from the field guide © Julia Schröder |
Susi´s self-made bird memory game: you should not only remember where the right card was hidden... © Julia Schröder |
...but also which tail and wing fits to which bird! © Julia Schröder |
a view abroad: Laszlo is telling about birds and nature in his homecountry Hungary, while Juliana is translating © Wieland Heim |
at the end every participant received a certificate signed by Svetlana Yakovenko as the Park´s director and me as the ABP´s coordinator © Julia Schröder |
a great week with a great group © Julia Schröder |
But the children were not the only visitors during these days: on Wednesday many people came to the Park, together with General Muravyov-Amurskys descendant. Nikolay Nikolayevich Muravyov-Amursky played a major role in the expansion of the Russian empire along the Amur river, and the village Muraviovka and so also the Park was named after him.
One of the visitors brought us an unlucky Amur Falcon - just fledged, the bird was hitten by a car and all wing-feathers are broken. We will feed this bird until we will find somebody who could take care of it until are feathers are renewed. If you have any ideas who could help, please write us!
some of the visitors that came with Muravyov-Amurskys descendant © Wieland Heim |
the migration of the Amur Falcon and the threats along that way was one central topic in our summer school © Friedrich Eidam |
Julia is feeding the Amur Falcon chick with insects © Wieland Heim |
During all these activities we were still busy with checking our mist-nets every hour all day and night. The nocturnal migration of the Siberian Rubythroats starts slowly, while Thick-billed Warblers and Pallas´s Grasshopper-warblers are still the most common species. The species diversity is extremely high now, since we trapped already many migrants from the far north like the Arctic Warbler but also observed still several of the summer birds, like Black-naped Oriole, White-throated Needletail and Gray´s Warbler. Nice was also a family of Azure Tits - this species was only a winter visitor during the last years but has bred at the Park in 2014.
this years first Grey Nightjar © Julia Schröder |
and the first Baillon´s Crake, a juvenile © Friedrich Eidam |
migration of the wagtails has started, here a juvenile Eastern Yellow Wagtail - probably taivana © Friedrich Eidam |
juvenile Asian Brown Flycatcher © Julia Schröder |
a beautiful misty morning © Julia Schröder |
a juvenile Siberian Bush-warbler davidi - 4th record for Muraviovka Park © Wieland Heim |
while the local breeders were not seen since the end of July, some Yellow-breasted Buntings are now migrating through © Wieland Heim |
an aberrant Pallas´s Grasshopper-warbler with complete yellow bill and legs (r) with a normal colored bird (l) © Wieland Heim |
busy with birds © Wieland Heim |
While writing this, I´m already in Japan to take part at the
International Ornithological Congress, where I will be talking about some of the ABP´s results, while my team will continue the field work. I left the Park with the children on Saturday - but my bus from Blago to Khabarovsk was cancelled after hours of waiting. Once again, all you need in Russia are good contacts. And so I called a friend, who called a friend, who called a friend who was ready to drive me all the way to the Khabarovsk airport. After a non-stop over-night 11-hours-drive I reached my plane to Tokyo - thank you, Vitja!
Tokyo Narita Airport, southern part © Wieland Heim |
11.08.-17.08.2014, Total traps: 674 birds out of 50 species
Dickschnabel-Rohrsänger |
Thick-billed Warbler |
Толстоклювая камышевка |
198 |
Streifenschwirl |
Pallas´s Grasshopper-warbler |
Певчий сверчок |
63 |
Brauenrohrsänger |
Black-browed Reed-warbler |
Чернобровая камышевка |
55 |
Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger |
Yellow-browed Warbler |
Пеночка-зарничка |
42 |
Braunwürger |
Brown Shrike |
Сибирский жулан |
33 |
Dunkellaubsänger |
Dusky Warbler |
Бурая пеночка |
33 |
Rubinkehlchen |
Siberian Rubythroat |
Соловей-красношейка |
22 |
Wanderlaubsänger |
Arctic Warbler |
Пеночка-таловка |
22 |
Maskenammer |
Black-faced Bunting |
Седоголовая овсянка |
19 |
Feldsperling |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
Полевой воробей |
17 |
Kohlmeise |
Northern Great Tit |
Большая синица |
16 |
Spießbekassine |
Pintail Snipe |
Азиатский бекас |
13 |
Eisvogel |
Common Kingfisher |
Обыкновенный зимородок |
10 |
Karmingimpel |
Common Rosefinch |
Обыкновенная чечевица |
10 |
Ussurilaubsänger |
Pale-legged Leaf-warbler |
Бледноногая пеночка |
10 |
Lasurmeise |
Azure Tit |
Князек |
8 |
Schwarzkehlchen |
Common Stonechat |
Черноголовый чекан |
8 |
Sumpfmeise |
Marsh Tit |
Черноголовая гаичка |
8 |
Middendorff-Laubsänger |
Two-barred Warbler |
Двупоясковая пеночка |
7 |
Zwergschnäpper |
Red-breasted Flycatcher |
Восточная малая мухоловка |
7 |
Goldschnäpper |
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher |
Желтоспинная мухоловка |
6 |
Mandschurenammmer |
Ochre-rumped Bunting |
Рыжешейная овсянка |
6 |
Braunschnäpper |
Asian Brown Flycatcher |
Ширококлювая мухоловка |
5 |
Chinarohrsänger |
Oriental Reed-warbler |
Восточная дроздовидная камышевка |
5 |
Rauchschwalbe |
Barn Swallow |
Деревенская ласточка |
5 |
Rötelammer |
Chestnut Bunting |
Рыжая овсянка |
4 |
Wendehals |
Eurasian Wryneck |
Вертишейка |
4 |
Gelbbrauenammer |
Yellow-browed Bunting |
Желтобровая овсянка |
3 |
Mandschurendommel |
Schrenck´s Bittern |
Амурский волчок |
3 |
Meisengimpel |
Long-tailed Rosefinch |
Урагус |
3 |
Strichelschwirl |
Lanceolated Warbler |
Пятнистый сверчок |
3 |
Waldohreule |
Northern Long-eared Owl |
Ушастая сова |
3 |
Azurelster |
Asian Azure-winged Magpie |
Голубая сорока |
2 |
Feldlerche |
Eurasian Skylark |
Полевой жаворонок |
2 |
Gebirgsstelze |
Grey Wagtail |
Горная трясогузка |
2 |
Pallasammer |
Pallas´s Bunting |
Полярная овсянка |
2 |
Weidenammer |
Yellow-breasted Bunting |
Дубровник |
2 |
Amurdrossel |
Grey-backed Thrush |
Сизый дрозд |
1 |
Amurfalke |
Amur Falcon |
Амурский кобчик |
1 |
Davidbuschsänger |
Siberian Bush-warbler |
Малая пестрогрудка |
1 |
Dschungelnachtschwalbe |
Jungle Nightjar |
Большой козодой |
1 |
Flussuferläufer |
Common Sandpiper |
Перевозчик |
1 |
Habicht |
Northern Goshawk |
Тетеревятник |
1 |
Orient-Zwergohreule |
Oriental Scops-owl |
Восточная совка |
1 |
Orientturteltaube |
Oriental Turtle-dove |
Большая горлица |
1 |
Riesenschwirl |
Gray´s Warbler |
Таежный сверчок |
1 |
Schafstelze |
Yellow Wagtail |
Жёлтая трясогузка |
1 |
Sperber |
Eurasian Sparrowhawk |
Перепелятник |
1 |
Spornpieper |
Richard´s Pipit |
Степной конек |
1 |
Zwergsumpfhuhn |
Baillon´s Crake |
Погоныш-крошка |
1 |