
Monday, August 4, 2014

ABP 2014: Week 2

a juvenile Dark-sided Flycatcher, the first one ever trapped within the Amur Bird Project © Friedrich Eidam
Finally, I made my way to Muraviovka Park. But Friedrich and Susanne already built up the mist-nets together with Marketa and started trapping last week. The weather was not very good for catching birds, very hot but with rainfalls and thunderstorms. Only during the last two days we had noticeable migration and ringed a lot. The first Yellow-browed, Pale-legged and Arctic Warblers arrived, as well as different Flycatchers - most interesting was a juvenile Dark-sided Flycatcher. This species was recorded for the first time at Muraviovka Park in May 2012 by the German ornithologists Roland Speck and Ulrich Pittius, and a second one was noticed by us in August 2013. Waders also started to pass by, including Far Eastern Curlews, Whimbrel and Marsh Sandpiper. But for some species breeding season is not over yet. Pallas´s Grasshopper-warblers, Ochre-rumped Buntings and Japanese Quails are still calling, and Amur Falcons and Barn Swallows are feeding their chicks in the nest. The bad thing was that we couldn´t use our car due to lack of fuel and some papers. And even worse: last saturday some of our mist-nets and groceries were stolen from the summer camp where we live. Together with all the visa problems we had during the last weeks it was really not an easy start. At least there seem to be less mosquitoes than last year...


Susi and Friedrich in the ringing station © Wieland Heim
many birds are moulting now, like this Reed Bunting © Wieland Heim
Barn Swallow © Wieland Heim
a still flightless Pallas´s Grasshopper-warbler chick © Wieland Heim
we are searching and searching for rare Manchurian or Streaked Reed-warblers, but so far we trapped only Black-browed Reed-warblers © Wieland Heim
lucky ringers with an amazing Gray´s Warbler © Friedrich Eidam
Susi and a Pintail Snipe © Friedrich Eidam
this juvenile Eurasian Sparrowhawk just fledged from the trees behind our buildings © Friedrich Eidam

26.07.-03.08.2014, Total traps: 242 birds out of 27 species
Dunkellaubsänger Dusky Warbler Бурая пеночка 41
Streifenschwirl Pallas´s Grasshopper-warbler Певчий сверчок 37
Dickschnabel-Rohrsänger Thick-billed Warbler Толстоклювая камышевка 32
Maskenammer Black-faced Bunting Седоголовая овсянка 25
Brauenrohrsänger Black-browed Reed-warbler Чернобровая камышевка 22
Goldschnäpper Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Желтоспинная мухоловка 13
Rauchschwalbe Barn Swallow Деревенская ласточка 11
Rötelammer Chestnut Bunting Рыжая овсянка 9
Meisengimpel Long-tailed Rosefinch Урагус 7
Azurelster Asian Azure-winged Magpie Голубая сорока 6
Feldsperling Eurasian Tree Sparrow Полевой воробей 6
Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger Yellow-browed Warbler Пеночка-зарничка 5
Ussurilaubsänger Pale-legged Leaf-warbler Бледноногая пеночка 4
Rubinkehlchen Siberian Rubythroat Соловей-красношейка 4
Eisvogel Common Kingfisher Обыкновенный зимородок 3
Elster Common Magpie Сорока 2
Rußschnäpper Dark-sided Flycatcher Сибирская мухоловка 2
Sumpfmeise Marsh Tit Черноголовая гаичка 2
Kohlmeise Northern Great Tit Большая синица 2
Zwergschnäpper Red-breasted Flycatcher Восточная малая мухоловка 2
Wanderlaubsänger Arctic Warbler Пеночка-таловка 1
Braunwürger Brown Shrike Сибирский жулан 1
Riesenschwirl Gray´s Warbler Таежный сверчок 1
Strichelschwirl Lanceolated Warbler Пятнистый сверчок 1
Mandschurenammmer Ochre-rumped Bunting Рыжешейная овсянка 1
Spießbekassine Pintail Snipe Азиатский бекас 1
Rohrammer Reed Bunting Камышовая овсянка 1