many Eurasian Wrynecks have been trapped throughout the last week © Friedrich Eidam |
While I visited the 26th International Ornithological Congress in Tokyo, my team continued the work at Muraviovka Park. But they had to struggle with unusual high numbers of aggressive wasps and biting bats at the mist-nets - problems we never had in the years before. Nevertheless, they made some good efforts - the impressive nocturnal migration of the
Siberian Rubythroat hast started and they trapped the very first adult male
Siberian Blue Robin.
Duck migration has also started, and more than 500 individuals are gathering now on Kapustikha lake in front of the headquarters. Among them have been up to 6
Eastern Spot-billed Ducks (most likely a family), 22
Baikal Teal and an early
Common Goldeneye.
a young Common Cuckoo - rarely trapped © Julia Schröder |
1Y Pied Harrier © Friedrich Eidam |
a family of Spot-billed Ducks © Friedrich Eidam |
the first Hooded Cranes are on their way © Friedrich Eidam |
seasons first Pale Thrush, a first-year bird © Julia Schröder |
a thunderstorm is coming... © Julia Schröder |
already the second Japanese Quail in 2014 © Julia Schröder |
young visitors at the ringing station © Julia Schröder |
My week was also succesfull - I gave a presentation about the impact of fire on bird migration based on our data from the last three years at Muraviovka Park. Furthermore, a lot of new contacts and collaborations have been established, which will allow us to go the next step with the Amur Bird Project. Together with scientists from Russia, Korea, Japan, China and Taiwan and new bird tracking techniques we are hopefully going to explore the almost unknown migration routes of Passerine birds in East Asia.
26th International Ornithological Congress in Tokyo - closing ceremony © Wieland Heim |
together with Olga Valchuk (Vladivostok), Pavel Ktitorov (Sachalin) and Andrey Mukhin (Rybachy) © Wieland Heim |
18.08.-24.08.2014, Total traps: 737 birds out of 45 species
Rubinkehlchen |
Siberian Rubythroat |
Соловей-красношейка |
192 |
Dickschnabel-Rohrsänger |
Thick-billed Warbler |
Толстоклювая камышевка |
103 |
Streifenschwirl |
Pallas´s Grasshopper-warbler |
Певчий сверчок |
61 |
Dunkellaubsänger |
Dusky Warbler |
Бурая пеночка |
54 |
Brauenrohrsänger |
Black-browed Reed-warbler |
Чернобровая камышевка |
37 |
Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger |
Yellow-browed Warbler |
Пеночка-зарничка |
34 |
Wanderlaubsänger |
Arctic Warbler |
Пеночка-таловка |
31 |
Braunwürger |
Brown Shrike |
Сибирский жулан |
29 |
Zwergschnäpper |
Red-breasted Flycatcher |
Восточная малая мухоловка |
21 |
Middendorff-Laubsänger |
Two-barred Warbler |
Двупоясковая пеночка |
17 |
Maskenammer |
Black-faced Bunting |
Седоголовая овсянка |
15 |
Feldsperling |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
Полевой воробей |
15 |
Schwarzkehlchen |
Common Stonechat |
Черноголовый чекан |
11 |
Mandschurenammmer |
Ochre-rumped Bunting |
Рыжешейная овсянка |
11 |
Karmingimpel |
Common Rosefinch |
Обыкновенная чечевица |
10 |
Strichelschwirl |
Lanceolated Warbler |
Пятнистый сверчок |
10 |
Wendehals |
Eurasian Wryneck |
Вертишейка |
9 |
Rötelammer |
Chestnut Bunting |
Рыжая овсянка |
7 |
Chinarohrsänger |
Oriental Reed-warbler |
Восточная дроздовидная камышевка |
6 |
Kohlmeise |
Northern Great Tit |
Большая синица |
5 |
Spießbekassine |
Pintail Snipe |
Азиатский бекас |
5 |
Gelbbrauenammer |
Yellow-browed Bunting |
Желтобровая овсянка |
5 |
Gebirgsstelze |
Grey Wagtail |
Горная трясогузка |
5 |
Lasurmeise |
Azure Tit |
Князек |
4 |
Braunschnäpper |
Asian Brown Flycatcher |
Ширококлювая мухоловка |
4 |
Goldschnäpper |
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher |
Желтоспинная мухоловка |
3 |
Mandschurendommel |
Schrenck´s Bittern |
Амурский волчок |
3 |
Pallasammer |
Pallas´s Bunting |
Полярная овсянка |
3 |
Amurdrossel |
Grey-backed Thrush |
Сизый дрозд |
3 |
Dschungelnachtschwalbe |
Jungle Nightjar |
Большой козодой |
3 |
Ussurilaubsänger |
Pale-legged Leaf-warbler |
Бледноногая пеночка |
2 |
Rauchschwalbe |
Barn Swallow |
Деревенская ласточка |
2 |
Azurelster |
Asian Azure-winged Magpie |
Голубая сорока |
2 |
Orientturteltaube |
Oriental Turtle-dove |
Большая горлица |
2 |
Bergfink |
Brambling |
Юрок |
2 |
Blaunachtigall |
Siberian Blue Robin |
Синий соловей |
2 |
Eisvogel |
Common Kingfisher |
Обыкновенный зимородок |
1 |
Sumpfmeise |
Marsh Tit |
Черноголовая гаичка |
1 |
Meisengimpel |
Long-tailed Rosefinch |
Урагус |
1 |
Spornpieper |
Richard´s Pipit |
Степной конек |
1 |
Rohrammer |
Reed Bunting |
Камышовая овсянка |
1 |
Japanwachtel |
Japanese Quail |
Японский перепел |
1 |
Bartlaubsänger |
Radde´s Warbler |
Толстоклювая пеночка |
1 |
Kuckuck |
Common Cuckoo |
Обыкновенная кукушка |
1 |
Fahldrossel |
Pale Thrush |
Бледный дрозд |
1 |