Oriental Scops Owl in the morning sun © Julia Schröder |
Mass migration has started! Nearly 1000 birds have been ringed during the last week. The first days have been quite windy, with few captures, but some very nice observations: the first
Ashy Minivets were seen, as well as a
Red-necked Phalarope, a migrating
Asian Dowitcher and an
Asian House Martin - those three species were never before observed within the Amur Bird Project. More and more ducks can be noticed at Kapustikha lake - the hunting season has started, and for waterfowl the lake in front of Muraviovka Park´s headquarters is the only save place around. Most numerous are
Mallards, with up to 600 individuals. But also endangered species, like 20
Falcated Ducks, were seen. Conditions are also good for cranes this year, and there is a roosting site in the middle of the Park: we counted up to 84 incoming
White-naped Cranes in the evening.
On Tuesday I arrived back in Blagoveshchensk, after a long journey from Tokyo through South Korea and Khabarovsk. In town I met with my team and our Russian friends, to celebrate Friedrichs and Susis last day. Juliana and I also used the time to prepare the upcoming video, to continue our
Videoblog. So since Wednesday there are only the four of us at the Park - and more than 200 trapped birds each day! Among them many new species, like
Eastern Crowned Leaf-warbler,
Rufous-tailed Robin,
Siberian Thrush and
Mugimaki Flycatcher. While the majority of the
Thick-billed Warblers has left, our new dominating species is now the
Siberian Rubythroat, with hundreds of birds ringed. The numbers of
Black-faced and Yellow-browed Buntings are also increasing, and the first
Little and Yellow-throated Buntings occured. Good to know, that new helpers will arrive next week...
Amur river from beyond... © Wieland Heim |
...and at the promenade in Blagoveshchensk © Wieland Heim |
Rufous-tailed (or Swinhoe´s) Robin © Julia Schröder |
Siberian Thrush, adult male, showing the beautiful underwing pattern © Julia Schröder |
White-backed Woodpecker - this adult female was ringed by us in May 2013 © Julia Schröder |
the first Eurasian Jays were ringed, too © Julia Schröder |
Eastern Water Rail, 1Y © Julia Schröder |
one of the week´s highlights: the 4th record of Eastern Crowned Leaf-warbler for Muraviovka Park © Julia Schröder |
Mugimaki Flycatcher, 1Y male © Julia Schröder |
bird bag washing day © Wieland Heim |
a pair of White-napes Cranes © Friedrich Eidam |
Siberian Roe Deer - they better should hide during hunting season © Friedrich Eidam |
Eastern Spot-billed Duck © Friedrich Eidam |
Upland Buzzard © Friedrich Eidam |
25.08.-31.08.2014, Total traps: 970 birds out of 49 species
Rubinkehlchen |
Siberian Rubythroat |
Соловей-красношейка |
434 |
Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger |
Yellow-browed Warbler |
Пеночка-зарничка |
122 |
Dunkellaubsänger |
Dusky Warbler |
Бурая пеночка |
59 |
Maskenammer |
Black-faced Bunting |
Седоголовая овсянка |
53 |
Streifenschwirl |
Pallas´s Grasshopper-warbler |
Певчий сверчок |
37 |
Gelbbrauenammer |
Yellow-browed Bunting |
Желтобровая овсянка |
36 |
Brauenrohrsänger |
Black-browed Reed-warbler |
Чернобровая камышевка |
34 |
Dickschnabel-Rohrsänger |
Thick-billed Warbler |
Толстоклювая камышевка |
27 |
Zwergschnäpper |
Red-breasted Flycatcher |
Восточная малая мухоловка |
23 |
Wanderlaubsänger |
Arctic Warbler |
Пеночка-таловка |
17 |
Lasurmeise |
Azure Tit |
Князек |
13 |
Feldsperling |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
Полевой воробей |
9 |
Rauchschwalbe |
Barn Swallow |
Деревенская ласточка |
8 |
Wendehals |
Eurasian Wryneck |
Вертишейка |
7 |
Rötelammer |
Chestnut Bunting |
Рыжая овсянка |
7 |
Amurdrossel |
Grey-backed Thrush |
Сизый дрозд |
7 |
Braunwürger |
Brown Shrike |
Сибирский жулан |
6 |
Middendorff-Laubsänger |
Two-barred Warbler |
Двупоясковая пеночка |
6 |
Karmingimpel |
Common Rosefinch |
Обыкновенная чечевица |
6 |
Strichelschwirl |
Lanceolated Warbler |
Пятнистый сверчок |
5 |
Bartlaubsänger |
Radde´s Warbler |
Толстоклювая пеночка |
5 |
Spießbekassine |
Pintail Snipe |
Азиатский бекас |
4 |
Braunschnäpper |
Asian Brown Flycatcher |
Ширококлювая мухоловка |
4 |
Ussurilaubsänger |
Pale-legged Leaf-warbler |
Бледноногая пеночка |
4 |
Meisengimpel |
Long-tailed Rosefinch |
Урагус |
3 |
Schwarzkehlchen |
Common Stonechat |
Черноголовый чекан |
2 |
Eisvogel |
Common Kingfisher |
Обыкновенный зимородок |
2 |
Sumpfmeise |
Marsh Tit |
Черноголовая гаичка |
2 |
Elster |
Common Magpie |
Сорока |
2 |
Bekassine |
Common Snipe |
Бекас |
2 |
Eichelhäher |
Eurasian Jay |
Сойка |
2 |
Zwergammer |
Little Bunting |
Овсянка-крошка |
2 |
Schwirrnachtigall |
Rufous-tailed Robin |
Соловей-свистун |
2 |
Chinarohrsänger |
Oriental Reed-warbler |
Восточная дроздовидная камышевка |
1 |
Gebirgsstelze |
Grey Wagtail |
Горная трясогузка |
1 |
Pallasammer |
Pallas´s Bunting |
Полярная овсянка |
1 |
Dschungelnachtschwalbe |
Jungle Nightjar |
Большой козодой |
1 |
Azurelster |
Asian Azure-winged Magpie |
Голубая сорока |
1 |
Rohrammer |
Reed Bunting |
Камышовая овсянка |
1 |
Fahldrossel |
Pale Thrush |
Бледный дрозд |
1 |
Davidbuschsänger |
Siberian Bush-warbler |
Малая пестрогрудка |
1 |
Orient-Zwergohreule |
Oriental Scops-owl |
Восточная совка |
1 |
Bruchwasserläufer |
Wood Sandpiper |
Фифи |
1 |
Kronenlaubsänger |
Eastern Crowned Leaf-warbler |
Светлоголовая пеночка |
1 |
Mugimakischnäpper |
Mugimaki Flycatcher |
Таежная мухоловка |
1 |
Schieferdrossel |
Siberian Thrush |
Cибирский дрозд |
1 |
Wasserralle |
Water Rail |
Восточносибирский пастушок |
1 |
Weißrückenspecht |
White-backed Woodpecker |
Белоспинный дятел |
1 |
Gelbkehlammer |
Yellow-throated Bunting |
Желтогорлая овсянка |
1 |