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László Bozó with an Artic Warbler at Muraviovka Park, September 2014 |
I´m happy to announce that the latest issue of BirdingAsia, the bulletin of the Oriental Bird Club, contains two articles based on the work of the Amur Bird Project at Muraviovka Park.
One paper describes the northward range extension of two wetland species:
Heim, W., F. Eidam & S. M. Smirenski (2015): New breeding records of Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis and Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus at the northern limit of their Asian range. BirdingAsia 23: 60-62
And László finished his master thesis - all of the results are going to be published soon. This first article now deals with the migration of the Pale-legged Leaf Warbler.
Bozó, L. & W. Heim (2015):
Trapping and Ringing Pale-legged Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes,
Muraviovka Park, Amur region, Far East Russia. BirdingAsia 23: 118-120
Another paper by László was published somewhat earlier this year, describing his work at Muraviovka Park in autumn 2014 - for all of you who understand Hungarian ;)
Bozó L. (2015): Madárgyűrűzés az Amur vidékén. Madártávlat 22. (1.), p. 18-20
You should also check out the beautiful movie (in 3 chapters) “Amur - Asiens Amazonas” about the Amur River watershed filmed by F. Haffner in Russia, China, and Mongolia. So far it is only available in German. Some of the material was taken at Muraviovka Park...who will find it?
Last but not least I want to present an interesting link to the site of the Amur Red Data Book. For all bird species listed you will find information about their occurence in the Amurskaya Oblast and a map. Those maps have to be taken with care, but at least they are more up-to-date for that part of the world than the widely used maps by Birdlife International or even those in Mark Brazil´s "Birds of East Asia". One good example is the Japanese Reed Bunting. But of course, its only in Russian.
A summary about the 2015 spring season will follow soon.